Our nervous system begins taking shape while in the womb, as we share our mother’s nervous system. This continues into the postpartum period and childhood where the way in which our caregivers interact with us, mirror our expressions, and respond to our needs forms our sense of belonging, security and safety in the world and in our bodies.
While this period of our lives has a major impact on us, we can shift the physiological imprint it left so that we are able to thrive more. Our nervous systems can be nurtured in all the ways that perhaps we lacked. We can remother ourselves and each other.
No matter what our relationship with our mother may feel like now, we don’t have to suffer.
Our nervous system drives our thoughts, our emotions, choices and relationships. When we heal our core patterns that were passed down to us via our caregivers, we restore our capacity to thrive.
In this two hour workshop you will receive an embodied understanding of how your early experiences of being nurtured shaped you. Through a deeper understanding of the nervous system and attachment styles you can bring awareness to some of your patterns that come up regarding safety, relationships and intimacy.
We will also use somatic practices to feel into how rewiring our system to receive more nervous system nourishment can empower us to feel safe, secure and connected in the world.
This workshop is for you:
-if you want to understand how your earlier experiences shaped you
-if you’re curious about attachment styles and how to heal them
-if you want to gain somatic practices that help to heal and rewire your system for safety in your relationship with self and others
-if you are on a conception journey, are pregnant or postpartum and want to understand how you impact your babies nervous system and therefore their ability to thrive
For those who have finanicial limitations and need a sliding scale option, please reach out to set something up, I want you there!